Calorie fruit

The main part of the fruit contains a small amount of calories and lots of vitamins and fiber. Sour apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, apricots, all citrus fruits, melon, watermelon, kiwi, pineapple, pomegranate, plum, cranberry, gooseberry, raspberry, dugout, blueberries contain in 100 g more than 50 calories. So perfect as a dessert or a separate meal. In addition, pineapples and peaches are composed of substances that do not give to form fat tissues in the body. And the blueberries and cranberries is the least amount of calories in blueberries 16-20, cranberry 25-28.

More nutritious fruits are sweet apples, persimmons, lychee, cherry. The calorie content varies from 50 to 80 per 100 g And the Champions of calorie is figs (80 cal), grapes (81 cal), banana (95 cal), passion fruit (100 cal), avocado (200 calories), dates (292 calories), and all dried fruits (average of 250 calories).

High-calorie fruits

Dried fruit is the most nutritious among all fruits. The concentration of carbohydrates is very high due to the loss of moisture. Therefore, to get involved with them just not worth it. They can be used instead of the usual sweets or several sugar cookies per day (5 berries prunes and 5 dried apricots berries, 3-4 dates, 1 Fig), replacing the harmful sweets useful.

Avocado (200 cal/100 g) – exotic southern fruit grown in the tropics and subtropics. It is used in vegetarian, replacing the meat and eggs in salads. The taste of the fruit is not sweet, buttery, tart resembles a pear or a pumpkin. Due to its specific taste, he is not very dangerous for the figure, because a lot of it impossible to eat.

Banana (95 cal/100 g) – a favorite of many a delicacy. But they contain high percentage of carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose and fructose). Moreover, in bananas, especially unripe, there is a large amount of starch, making them similar to potatoes. Therefore, excessive consumption of this fruit can lead to weight gain. However, the nutritional value of the banana, its thick texture and nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, iron and b vitamins make this fruit suitable for mono-dieting and health diets in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes.

Grapes (65-110 cal/100 g – also depends on the type) – sweet berry, consisting of 80% of the liquid. However, the calorie content of grapes this does not become less because the juice contains a lot of glucose. It is also the basis of the taste of the fruit. The taste of the grapes, its sweetness and juiciness make many people to consume this product pounds at a time. Not difficult to calculate – 1 kg of grapes on average will bring you a 700-900 cal, 2 kg 1400-1800 cal. And this is more than half the daily value of energy. At the same time, the grape itself does not satisfy the body's thirst and hunger in contrast to bananas, but only increases the appetite. Therefore, this fruit is the most dangerous for the acquisition of extra pounds.