A child who is breastfed, is considered normal stool yellow, pasty consistency, it can be a sour odor or lumps. This chair will have a baby with a normally operating bowel. When the child is more grown up and in power it is time to introduce fishing lures, for parents begins a time of surprises.

Where better to start solid foods

The kids who have a chair in General, it is better to start solid foods with additives in the diet of fruits or vegetables. The same spravedlivo and for children who have a tendency to constipation. Diarrhea, frequent stool to start with cereals. Of course, we are talking about healthy children without any abnormalities with digestion.

At the beginning of feeding the child for once you can not give more than one new product. After the kid will try something new, we have to wait a few days – from three to seven. Only if the child normally suffered new food, you can continue to give him other products.

Fishing lures is injected in minute portions, no more than two or three spoonfuls at a time. A new dish to be served should be in the first half of the day – if you start diarrhea, the condition of the baby will be easier to trace, because it will happen in the daytime. After the introduction of solid foods consistency of stool, as color, little will change.

The beginning of the introduction of food more dense, than the child received still need to provide additional drinking. Water or other liquid necessary to give the child, focusing on his desires and needs.

How can change the chair of a baby after lures

After feeding broccoli and a pear or other fruit green chair can make green that can seriously scare an inexperienced mom. But usually everything is much easier – children's stool turns the same color, what was the product at the entrance. When using products of other colors can get the same color, but with a slightly greenish tinge. This change means that the intestines is absolutely normal reaction to unfamiliar food.

After the introduction of complementary feeding, the feces of the child may vary in color and density. Colouring it more intense. The consistency becomes a little thick. Can appear white lumps – evidence that food introduced too great for the baby number and not fully digested. A chair the child can now be less often – all of this is assuming that the product is normally digested and digestive problems arose.

Be wary, and perhaps to consult a doctor should be the case when the baby's stool is watery, has a foul stench, many times quickens.