Black cohosh zastaveny

One of the most effective ways to stimulate miscarriage is zastaveny black cohosh (black and blue Cohosh). This herb stimulates the muscle spasms, which leads to emptying of the uterus. Zastaveny black cohosh is often used by doctors in the late stages of pregnancy, it helps to provoke a miscarriage. Before using this tool, be sure to consult with your doctor. The wrong dosage can lead to toxic poisoning.

Chinese Angelica

The plant root Chinese Angelica is widely used to regulate menstrual cycles, improve blood circulation etc. It is also effective to stimulate miscarriage. His reception must begin with consultations with the doctors. To prevent unwanted effects, it is necessary to observe the correct dosage.


Another means of stimulating the activity of the uterus is cinnamon. At the right dosage it can lead to miscarriage. To achieve the desired result, in any case do not expose the cinnamon processing (e.g. cooking), it will deprive it of necessary substances. Look for foods which cinnamon is present as an ingredient.


A very powerful tool for triggering a miscarriage is juniper. Acceptance of juniper is likely to result in severe pain, so try not to leave the house. It's a homeopathic remedy that helps get rid of dead tissue remaining after an incomplete miscarriage. Such a miscarriage may lead to infectious disease that caused bleeding, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. Consult with your doctor before using this tool.

Vitamin C

Popular means of inducing miscarriage is vitamin C. a Gradual increase in the diet will cause errors in the menstrual cycle, and that will cause a miscarriage. However, the intake of vitamin C must be implemented with caution, limit the consumption of 6,000 mg per day. A good source of vitamin C for example is parsley. Tie the parsley into a small bunch and place it into the beaker of boiling water. Give him a little brew and drink during the day.

Surgical procedure

If there is a need to quickly get rid of the fetus, you can go to the doctors and have an abortion. However, surgery can be extremely painful and cause complications in the future. The most common method of abortion is dilatation and curettage. He is the immediate cleaning of the uterus with surgical instruments, which causes not the most pleasant feeling.