Auto-hide the taskbar

To hide the task bar, right-click the mouse once on any location. Then in the list that appears, select the line "Properties". Opens the dialog box "Properties taskbar and start menu", which displays the basic settings for the taskbar and start menu".

To call the dialog box "Properties taskbar and start menu" you can also open the start menu and clicking the left mouse button on the text field "search programs and files". In this line, enter the query panel and in the list that appears, select the line "task Bar and start menu" in "control Panel".

In the Properties window of the taskbar and start menu" activate the tab "task Bar". It shows the style settings, position, existing taskbar buttons, etc.

In the "taskbar appearance", find "auto-hide the taskbar" and put a tick next to it. Click "Apply" and "OK". After that, the task bar will disappear when the abstraction from it of the mouse cursor.

General guidelines

To trigger auto-hide the taskbar, move the mouse cursor to the border of the monitor screen, along which it is located. Also to bring up the taskbar and start menu" at any time and when running full screen applications is possible by pressing "Windows" (the operating system logo) on the keyboard.

The user can also increase or decrease the size of taskbar in its sole discretion. To do this, move the mouse cursor to the edge of the strip of the taskbar until the cursor changes to a double arrow. Then press the left mouse button, hold and drag, resize the taskbar, moving the cursor in the desired direction.

Users are recommended to enable auto-hide the taskbar when the values of the screen resolution of the monitor, because when hidden the working area of the screen increases slightly. Also slightly increase the size of the working region can include use of small icons on the taskbar. To do this, click the right mouse button on any part of the panel and in the opened context menu select line Properties. Activate the tab "task Bar" and in the block design tick next to "Use small icons". Click "Apply" and "OK". After that, the icons used in the taskbar will be smaller and therefore the size of the taskbar will be reduced somewhat.