The history of the symbol

The crown symbol has an ancient history. Since medieval times the crown inflicted on the coats of arms and flags of countries, kingdoms, genera. The special distribution crown acquired in countries with a monarchical structure, and designated close to the Royal family, as well as justice and prudence.

Meaning tattoo

Over time, the image of a crown crossed with the emblems and seals on the human body in the form of a tattoo. The crown in a General sense - a symbol of power. A man with such tattoo on his shoulder underlines its special position in society, and reflects its commitment to leadership and excellence over others. Most likely, the person with the tattoo of a crown on the shoulder has a very high self-esteem.
In other interpretations, the crown may mean good luck, if located above the heart. The Celtic symbol, depicting two hands holding a heart topped by a crown item crown means loyalty.

Often a tattoo of little beautiful crown girls do. This tattoo owner can show their privileged position in society. To wear a crown - worthy every. In another sense, the crown of the girl means freedom of choice and disposition of fate. To be such a wearable pattern maybe different parts of the body, including the shoulder.
The crown as part of another painting emphasizes its importance. For example, in the East, crowned turtle means longevity. If in the composition there are several tattoo images, important, on which is depicted a crown.

Sometimes the image of a crown means a connection with the deity. In the world famous Christian crown of Mary Magdalene and the Greek Laurel crown of Apollo.

Special value has the crown in criminal tattoos. As a rule, the symbol indicates particularly serious offence or failure to obey prison orders and the system.

If the image of the crown is applied over the snake – owner of the tattoo is a respected thief in law. Tiger with a crown and a skull in the feet represents the desire for violence and worn petty criminals.
To distinguish a prison from a tattoo done in the salon is not difficult. The prison of body adornment have a bluish tinge and is usually made roughly.

To suit tattoo crown

Tattoo of a crown on the shoulder is ideal purposeful people with an active lifestyle. If one intends to succeed in his business, becoming one of the best and to gain influence, it can safely apply the tattoo of a crown on the shoulder. This picture can be supplemented with a philosophical saying or names of your favorite people.