Scratches in the cabin of the car having even the most frugal and careful owner. The first time minor damage to plastic, almost indistinguishable, but then there is a whitish plaque, which considerably spoils the appearance of the salon.

Methods of removing scratches using the vehicle

The best way to eliminate deep scratches and restorers of plastic that you can easily buy in car shops. For example, a perfect Doctor Wax. He is good at disguises superficial damage on plastic, leather and vinyl upholsteries, while cleansing and renewing them. The gel penetrates into cracks and displaces the pollution.

The procedure of eliminating scratches with it looks like this: the product is applied to the damaged surface, after it penetrates into the cracks and fill it in, give it time to dry mass (it is indicated on the package or tube). Then start grinding the plastic with the help of special napkins, which are often sold complete with avtosredstvu.

To repaired area is not allocated and had a structure with a laminate surface, use a gel-plasticizer. It is applied not to the place, which was processed, and undamaged part. Upon solidification of the gel on its surface, a mold pattern plastic. This template should be placed on the restored plot during drying and lightly press into the filler scratches. This will provide the print and saved the desired "texture" of the plastic.

Another means to upgrade the parlor – Polish to remove scratches. They are different: with abrasive, and coloring agents. For example, there's a restorative Polish for dark and light mother-of-pearl and silver plastics. Any of them well mask the damage, making the surface smooth and shiny. Polishes with superthin designed for abrasive materials require the most delicate effects. If the damage is deep, use tint pencils for filling in scratches.

"Popular" means removal of scratches in the cabin

Motorists argue that small scratches are easily removed with a lighter. To do this, gently hold the flame above the surface of the damage. From the effects of fire scratch gradually melts and is delayed. In this procedure, it is important to follow two rules: not to overdo the fire over the plastic and not to touch the treated location for some time. After the plastic has cooled, it is necessary to remove the soot with a paper towel or cotton pad.