Henna is a natural dye obtained from a shrub lawsonia. From the top young leaves have the strongest pigment. It is used to create drawings of henna on the body. Of the other leaf is used in hair dye. The stem does not contain dyes and it is used for the production of therapeutic and colourless henna.

The properties of henna

From henna to have many beneficial properties. Unlike synthetic dyes it does not penetrate deep into the hair, but she is not worse. Ingredients henna to enhance hair growth and smooth scales, making the hair becomes more shiny. Henna reduces dandruff, and basal fat.

But colouring this natural paint there are also disadvantages. The most significant of them is the unpredictability of the result. Even a specialist hairdresser will not take you to promise any particular color. If you once painted head with henna, you are still very long will not be able to dye other synthetic dyes, as well as through some procedures for the hair. All, again, because of the unpredictability of henna. In combination with a chemical dye, it can give a green or blue tint.

The second minus – henna hair And if the owner of oily roots this property is useful for thin split ends is coloring will only harm. Sometimes henna Allergy.

Recipes for dyeing with henna

What color do you get if you dye your hair with henna depends on the exposure time of the mixture on the hair and additional components. The brighter and richer the color you want to, the longer should be the procedure of staining. The average time for staining of medium-brown hair will be 1.5 - 2 hours.

To reduce the oiliness of the hair, henna keep no more than 5-10 minutes. If your hair is light, use colorless henna.
Golden Shine is obtained by adding to the henna 2 gram of saffron. Instead of saffron you can use chamomile, rhubarb or turmeric.

Brown color will work if the henna is diluted, instead of water natural fresh coffee or cocoa. For more vibrant colors add 10 grams of ground cloves. Beet juice, heated to 60oC, give eggplant shade. Henna, diluted with wine or hibiscus will give hair a mahogany colour.


Henna should be applied on clean, dry hair. The line of the forehead, neck and ears thick grease with a fat cream – it will protect the skin from staining.

Better henna gives your hair color in a warm environment. Therefore, dilute the paint should be warm water and apply very quickly before it gets cold. Then put on a plastic cap and wrap head with a towel.

After staining it is impossible to wash your hair a few days. During this time, henna is fixed on the hair. Hair dye in darker shades of henna is used in combination with Basma.