Check vessels of the head and neck is necessary when the appearance of fatigue, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, memory impairment. Indications are: a history of stroke, hypertension, pulsating formation in the neck, osteochondrosis. Modern diagnostic techniques used to study vessels of the brain is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It allows you to obtain information about structural changes of the vascular bed to assess the state of the vascular walls, to detect the presence of blood clots and plaques.
The vessels of the brain can be checked with the aid of reoentsefalografii (REG). This research method will provide data on speed of blood circulation, elasticity of the vessel walls, their tone. Information about the functions of the arterial and venous systems can be obtained separately, which is especially valuable in cases of suspected violations of the venous outflow. To the validation methods of brain vessels and neck include duplex scanning. Research exposed brachycephalic arteries (neck blood vessels). Ultrasonography allows examination of the vascular system of the head, including vertebral and carotid artery. Using this method you can identify blood clots, fibrous knots.
To study the condition of the heart and coronary arteries prescribe an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography (ECG under conditions of physical load), check the elasticity of blood vessels, ultrasonography carotid arteries, the sonography of the lower extremities, a CT scan. Computed tomography provides an opportunity to identify the degree of narrowing of the blood vessels, the presence of the tumor, helps to check the status of the aorta. The condition of the coronary arteries is checked using angiography - surgical method, which applies only in extreme cases. Procedure to diagnose and immediately correct the negative effects of the narrowing of the arteries.
To diagnose varicose veins using venography with contrast injection. More accurate information about the condition of the vessels gives a functional-dynamic lebanonese. The study is conducted measuring the pressure in the veins when different exercise. Also used ultrasound Doppler, which allows to evaluate blood flow, anatomy, structure of veins, to determine their diameter and height, to detect the presence of valves, blood clots.