Stunted bushes of cranberries though, and stand out by late summer, bright berries among the green herbage of the forest, but not always noticeable to the human eye. Especially if you are growing separately from each other. Meanwhile, cowberry leaf, like the berry, is a valuable medicinal raw materials. They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, antiscorbutic, antihelminthic and tonic action. And it's not the whole list.

Toning cranberries raises or lowers blood pressure

Cranberries as multivitamin drug is really able to give strength in the struggle with various diseases, because it enhances the action of antibiotics and saturates the body with all essential nutrients. Only one essential oil, cranberries discovered 70 useful organic compounds. Since ancient times for its ability to lift its feet after the most severe diseases cranberries are considered the fruit of immortality.

Despite such a powerful energy that is inherent in the berry and a slight sedative effect, which has cranberry juice. Even diluted with water in ratio of 1:3, it has a calming effect. The juice is effective against headaches and high blood pressure, which appeared as a result of a nervous breakdown.

With a sufficient content of potassium, this upland berry is able to displace blood sodium, which retains the liquid. Thus, there is a get rid of swelling and lower blood pressure.

The elasticity of blood vessels and the smooth heart muscle is also important indicators to normalize blood pressure. Flavonoids and polyphenols in cranberries that positively affect the heart rhythm and prevent heart attacks. The optimal content of manganese in the berries – protection of small vessels from fat deposits.

All of the cranberries are equally useful in hypertension

Bush cranberries healing from the root to the seeds. At last found a valuable linoleic and linolenic acids. About the medicinal properties of the root traditional medicine is silent. Only legends tell about his magical powers to protect from evil spirits.
Pharmacy main raw materials are twigs cranberry Bush with leaves, but this is related more to the ease of its transportation and storage. In addition, the period of collection of leaf much more.

Cowberry leaves harvested during the hot summer months, does not store well and loses its medicinal properties. Cut sprigs of cranberries immediately after the snow melts (April-early may), then the process can resume after fruiting (September-October).
Bilberry leaf is part of herbs used for hypertension. Weak diuretic effect can be achieved by brewing tea with a cowberry leaf. This method of treatment of hypertension is recommended as auxiliary, in addition to assigned drugs.

Still, a strong effect of reducing blood pressure are berries cranberries and cranberry juice. And the cranberries are perfectly kept throughout the year in frozen or dried form without losing its unique properties. Berry is recognized as the best means of invigorating the cardio-vascular system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and strengthens blood vessels. All of this is incredibly helpful to normalize blood pressure. All suffering from hypotension, the doctors suggest consumed berry cranberries in small amounts as a tonic.