Botanists claim that to organize in the home or in the office of green gardens is not safe for health. It turns out that when in a small lot of green plants, they make more harm than beneficial effects on the body. The reason is the release of harmful volatile compounds. Partly this can be overcome if we are constantly ventilate the area. But this method doesn't help with all the plants. Even the ficus is one of the most popular house plants, can harm the health of people who are prone to allergies. Its juice is poisonous. It is irritating to the skin and respiratory tract and may cause asthma attack.

Family kurtovich

Adenium fat is a plant with beautiful scarlet flowers with no odor. It is considered one of the most poisonous. Any part caught in the mouth can cause severe poisoning. So if you have a pet or small child, it is better to get rid of such a "green neighbor".

Oleander is a favorite of many ladies for the beautiful flowers and leaves with a pleasant smell, causing headaches when rapid flowering. Has poisonous seeds and juice, making used in medicine. To care for this plant only with gloves, not allowing him of children and animals.

Another poisonous plant of this family - pachypodium lamerei. Outwardly, it resembles a palm tree, that's why it got its second name – the Madagascar palm. It can also be dangerous for children and animals.

The family Araceae

Everyone's favorite dieffenbachia has juice, poisonous to the skin. Upon contact, you can easily get a gift dermatitis. Dangerous is getting juice in the eye causes conjunctivitis when in the mouth – swelling of the mucous membrane. Dieffenbachia dangerous for animals, especially for cats, and of course, for small children who like to try "on tooth".

Monstera is a striking, large plant with crenulated fleshy leaves, reminiscent of their stems vines. This beauty is in contact with its juice in the mouth can cause a burning sensation in the mucous membranes, profuse salivation, vomiting and poisoning.

The family amaryllidaceae

The plants of this family can be poisonous, the leaves and bulbs.

Haemanthus has more than 50 varieties, most of which are poisonous to varying degrees. The most toxic are the haemanthus blooming white flowers. They can cause allergic reactions even without tactile contact with them.

Amaryllis belladonna is a real poison beauty. Blooms are six-petalled flowers with a diameter of 10 cm due to its aesthetic appeal, this plant is popular not only among Housewives. Sometimes unknowingly it is grown even in institutions. And to not do this due to the toxicity of the juice of the leaves.