Neurologists and pediatricians in a voice assert that a kid has to walk at least 5 hours a day. You can go out in the morning and evening, may put toddler to sleep in the cradle on the balcony (dressed accordingly) and once to go for a walk – the main thing is to keep your baby breathing the fresh air and tempered to be healthy and happy. Outside the window, beautiful weather – armed with ideas and go!

0 – 3 months

Actively developing the senses: touch, sight, hearing. Toddler is not yet able to coordinate their movements and to hold anything in his hands. Because now he will learn about the world through touch, sound, and color. Interesting point about the vision of the newborn: the baby's eyes just clearly distinguish the bright, contrasting colors: black, white, red, blue, yellow, etc.; it is better that the flowers were 2-3 (not more); toys in pastel tones is unlikely to be interested in a new family member.

Recommended toys: rattles, toys, suspension, spinning, and playing nice (preferably classical) music mobiles, pop-up book, educational rugs with a jungle gym and toys, a piano for the legs, rattles on the bracelet, and so on. Toys better to show one, make sure that they do not clutter up the space (not periotoneal baby).

In that play? Kids appreciate acting skills: grimancauti with the baby and eventually he'll try to imitate you. In 2-3 months you can buy a balloon filled with helium, tied to him and hand the kid a colorful ribbon child will love to observe the ball and his movements with the movements of the baby. But!!! Do not leave baby with this toy tete-a-tete, your sensitive supervision is extremely necessary for the safety of the baby. In nature you can offer your tot to observe the rustling branches of trees (instead of Mobil), show him the leaves and flowers give to touch them, massage, or exercises in the open air, show, dripping after the rain from the roof of the water... Kids, it's important to touch as many different textures of objects (develop feeling): fabrics of chiffon and satin, to velvety velour and coarse matting; a variety of beads, buttons, dimensional applique of other tissues (most importantly, that all the elements were firmly attached and the child was not able to tear off and swallow parts); together with the toddler listen to the birds singing or the bubbling brook... And, most importantly, from birth, do not forget to talk with your child: comment on everything you are showing him that you do with him and should immediately call things by their proper names and to pronounce words correctly (the child will come up with abbreviations and symbols of an object and action, when it will be ready to start talking however, passive vocabulary, he will be much richer and not have to relearn with the "go blub-blub" for "go swim").

4-6 months

For 4 month babies are usually able to roll over on drums to 5 on the belly, and 6 – from tummy to back yourself. Your task is to call and warm up the baby's interest in these movements: podmanivaya its bright toys, blocks, books... the Main thing to getting to "bait" the kid could take it from you and play it (safely). During this period your child is an active researcher and tester of everything that gets in his way: taste, touch, drop and see what happens... He begins to find the source of the sound produces a first manipulation of the toys. Your task: to monitor the safety of the baby (so he wouldn't bite and swallowed, what is not remove all small objects, plastic bags and so on.)

Recommended toys: teethers, rattles, rustling and squeaking toys-animals, educational rugs and a soft book with textured fabrics, toys, Velcro and more.

In that play? Both at home and on the street you can offer your tot a game "grab it!": tie your ribbon any rattle, a small igrushechku in cushion of tissue, and then suggest the kid to catch this igrushechku (like playing with a kitten) from different positions (supine, prone, sitting you on the handles, etc.), but "prey" is always given for the game child (he let her look, touch, lick, bite... this is an important aspect of learning and development). Swipe the kid a tour mom/dad: show all-all around and tell that in front of you (tree, car, house, sand, and boys; Cabinet, calendar, phone, etc.). If you get out and spread the baby blanket and let me ride on it, show and let them feel the grass, do exercises in the sun... don't forget to comment each of your and its action, conduct a dialogue with the child (asking the question – wait for response in the form of "Gulen").

7-9 months

Most kids are already sitting, actively crawling and taking the first steps. My daughter essentially refused to be like everyone else, went and spread it at the same time, almost a year. Very much like the kids at this age to grab, hit and throw. Quickly hide the most valuable, fragile and small items higher. The child is actively developing small and large motor skills.

Recommended toys: balls, soft toys, abacus, toys with buttons, mobiles and pendants from small pieces to remove and put it back the kid is clearly like) and many more.

In that play? It's time to develop logical thinking: show your child what a "sorter" and how different geometric shapes penetrate into the holes, collect the cups or nesting dolls (just do not try yet "to examine" the baby – just show and comment on, over time it will remember and start doing it myself), continue to meet with nature, observe on the street for the other children.

10-12 months

The main focus is on the development of the thinking child. If the earlier pyramids, dolls and sorcery not made the proper impression, it's time to think about them and try to learn anew. Offer the kid a toy that will provoke it to move, and will serve as additional support when the first independent walks. Colabroy, tremendous bowling ball, a basketball Hoop and colorful balls – all sports "shells" for your baby. Also in this age, toddlers are becoming popular various musical instruments: drums, horns, piano, glockenspiel, tambourine, maracas, and so on.

1-3 years

The child actively trains coordination, the baby learns very quickly and remembers new. It's time to stock up on coloring books with reusable stickers (now the shops are full of sentences), books with inserts, body-colored geometric shapes, cubes, the first designers (for example, LEGO is a series of 1.5 years) and so on. Overdose grains and beans as legs (you can walk, jump), and handles (shift from the jar to the jar, spread to the sides, sort, etc.). Teach your child to pour the sand into the pail, a shovel, make different figures out of sand by means of molds, build together a house out of sand and twigs, leaves his favorite toy... Take the sun from the cardboard circle and clothespins. Start to paint finger paint and sculpt from clay or salt text.

Remember the different nursery rhymes

For example, the rhyme for game machine:

No, in vain we decided

Ride the cat in the car:

The cat ride is not used –

Overturned truck. (A. Barto)

Will be very helpful during this period, poems about actions:

Bunny began to wash it is Seen on a visit he gathered Washed mouth Washed spout Washed the ear is so dry

Kids-burly came to the Playground, Kids-burly exercise! One, two, Three or four. Hands up! !

This finger fattest, the most strong and big! This finger to show it! This finger is the longest and it is in the middle! This finger nameless, he spoiled the most! And Shorty, though small, but clever and unafraid!

Nursery rhymes with the movements:

- Okay, okay, (Clapping her hands) " Where were you? - Grandmother. (Clap your hands) - what if? - Porridge. (Clap your hands) - And what happened? - Mash. (Clap hands) Drank, ate, flew home, (Waving their hands imitating the birds) On the head and sat down, okay singing! (Close head)

"A magpie", Porridge cooked, Kids fed. (Stir the porridge in the palms) This gave, this gave, This gave, this gave, (Iterate through fingers) But it is not given: You water not worn, the Wood is not chopped, Cereal, not cooked (point to thumb) You're nothing!

Bruin bear in the forest goes, Show how to walk a bear) collects Cones, singing songs. (Lean over the imaginary cones) Suddenly fell lump just bear in the forehead (Knocking himself on the forehead), the Bear got angry and foot – top (Stomp foot). "I won't through the woods to walk (Waving her finger "no") Better I'm in the den will sleep sweetly!" (Fold hands and put under his head, mimicking sleep)

Ivan-highway - cut wood. Vaska-orders - carry water. Mishka-medium to heat the oven. Grishka-the orphan - to cook porridge. A tiny Timoshka - songs to sing, Songs to sing and dance, siblings to entertain.

Hammer I knock. (Knocking fists together) to build a House I want. (Put her hands into the roof) I Build a high house. (Raise hands with the roof up) I'll live in the house. (Clap)

For ear training is to offer the child the whistles and horns. Rattle is unlikely to be of interest to your child, but more abrupt and loud sounds will definitely be noticed.

Your child is already big enough, and you should gradually begin to acquaint him with the rules. Play one frame liners, dominoes, bingo... To the child had the opportunity to learn how to comply with the order, to monitor the actions of others and to focus.

For parents of boys and girls who like cars not so long ago there was a very cool t-shirt: tired dad can sleep on the floor and at the same time to play with the baby ;)

Bathing in a bathtub or floating in the lake, your child will happy to play with water: prepare a variety of capacities for transfusions, floating toys and igrushki that you can make (see "How to bathe baby in the bathroom:fun and useful")

While walking ask your child, as well as neighborhood kids and their parents to play in the tale "Teremok" or "the wolf and the seven kozlak". Improvise and act out a story according to the roles together with their kids. In the beginning you can teach your tot in the right place narration to add audio (someone Who lives in teremochke? You're the mouse-norushka? (the answer baby) to Pee-pee.. you frog-poskakushka?- (the answer baby) kVA-KVA-kVA...) Closer to 2,5-3 years the baby can be offered gradually to begin to tell and show with you scenes from fairy tales. Play "mistakes," under the active dance to music, sing songs, continue to watch nature and other kids. Ask your child every time out on the street what color the sky is today, what he sees is new compared to last time, etc. Draw with chalk on the pavement, collect "collection of summer and spring trophy, compare stones, consider the bugs, watch ants, catch bubbles, entrained by the wind... Remember, what you do loved to play in childhood, ask your parents about your favorite games and offer them to your child.

Enjoy the time spent together with vamim a kid, because kids grow up so fast!

Warm walks!!!