Whether snails have teeth?

There are, but conditionally, because they are not quite as most vertebrates. Yes, and it is not quite teeth. This so-called radula – chitinous ribbon, where there are thousands of chitinous "teeth." That's just the "teeth" don't bite of food, and scraped it.
Predatory carnivorous snails before eating use a special caustic liquid secreted by them. This allows you to soften the future of food.

The fact that the language of snails is grater. Its name he received due to the fact that the snail scrapes them pieces of food, feces of fish and other edible things. Language-grater is an indispensable tool for crushing snails a particular food. The same radula (chitinous ribbon) is located directly in the language. Often chitinous band and the float are combined in one and the same concept – language.

Belt radula features as carnivorous snails and slugs (naked snails), and in herbivores. The difference here is that these different types of shellfish chitin tape has it's own "toothbrush" pattern.

How many snails have teeth?

A long time science was not known what number of teeth is in the mouth of a snail. However, time does not stand still: scientists have conducted a number of studies and experiments with clams and found out how many teeth has the mouth of those or other snails. It turns out that the American garden snail on its chitinous ribbon has 135 rows of tiny teeth, each of which includes teeth 105. If you count their total number is equal 14175. This snail is the absolute record holder in the number of teeth!

How do the teeth of snails?

The teeth of snails are mobile. Due to their specific movement, the clam pushes food in my mouth, scrape her food slowly but surely pushed into the esophagus of the cochlea. Language (chitinous ribbon) shellfish frays food quite effectively, but not without loss to the cochlea. The fact that the smaller teeth are constantly and in large numbers to wear off.
A snail called the oyster drill is a carnivore. Her way of eating not be confused with anything else: it drills the shell of the oysters and eagerly scraped his tongue her meat.

It should be noted that for molluscs worn teeth is generally not a problem. The fact that their teeth grow constantly and quickly. In principle, this regeneration in the oral cavity of the cochlea resembles a constantly updated teeth of sharks.