Where to study in Krasnoyarsk

Among the new entrants a great popularity has Siberian Federal University. Part of the University 19 of 171 institutions and training areas. Here students come experts in the field of industry, education, energy and science. All graduates will be able to work in any region of the state, even in the North. The admissions office accepts documents in the building on Avenue Free, 79/10, auditorium B2-06. Telephone for information — 8 (391) 206 20 04.

One of the best universities in the aerospace sector in Russia is Siberian state aerospace University. It includes 5 institutes and space technology, military, telecommunications and Informatics, high technology and space research. The University can be found at St. im. Of the newspaper "Krasnoyarsk worker", 31. The admissions office phone number — 8 (391) 262 95 96.

Krasnoyarsk state medical University. After Professor V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky invites fans of medicine graduate profile "medicine", "Pediatrics", "Stomatology", "pharmacy", "Clinical psychology", "Social work", "Management" and "Medical Cybernetics".

It's not all the universities of Krasnoyarsk, an additional in the regional center branches of other educational institutions of Moscow, Petersburg and other cities.
Specialties such as "veterinary", "Agroengineering", "Foods from raw materials of plant and animal origin", "Technology of meat and meat products" can be obtained in the Krasnoyarsk state agrarian University.

The oldest is the University of Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University. The structure of the University includes 5 institutes, 5 faculties of the Department 52. Applicants who wish to obtain technical and technological specialties may submit your documents at the state Academy of nonferrous metals and gold. Academy of architecture and construction provides direction in the sphere of construction, repair, materials and architecture, preparing highly qualified engineers and technicians. Also in Krasnoyarsk there is the Academy of music and theatre, where you're going want to get creative profession

Secondary schools

Many colleges have partnered with higher education institutions and their graduates come to the University on favorable terms.
In Krasnoyarsk there are 36 colleges and technical schools. Among all you can select the "Higher professional school №43", two medical and pedagogical colleges, aviation, agricultural, industrial-commercial, industrial, mining, engineering, construction and technical colleges. Educational institutions can go after 11, and after 9 classes.