What you need to do an inventory of the property

This document need not only the landlord but also the tenant. In the first case it is a guarantee of safety of property, and the second is guaranteed to protect a tenant from unsubstantiated claims of owner and property. In cases of conflicts in which employment contracts are terminated prematurely, there are cases of mutual accusations and claims of the parties, the dispute between which ends the litigation. Each of the parties without a well-designed inventory will be difficult to prove in this case, his innocence. Inventory minimizes the number of mutual claims and grievances, protecting the interests of both parties.

How to make an inventory of the property

To issue inventory can be a separate document or as an Annex to the contract of employment. Like the Treaty itself, it can be stated in a simple arbitrary written form, notarize it is not required. But it was a legally binding document, not a "useless scrap of paper" which the court will refuse to accept for consideration, it must be given details of both parties. Such details are full name, patronymic and surname, passport data and address of permanent registration.

The text of the inventory is expedient to issue in the form of a table with the counts, which will specify the sequence number, name of items, number of units and the note. The note should give a detailed description of each item, specifying appearance, degree of wear or condition.

All items: furniture, appliances etc that made or entered in the inventory at the conclusion of the tenancy agreement, the tenant should inspect at installation for integrity and presence of defects. If they are not inventoried, they should be reflected in it. The inventory should be as detailed as possible, because those things will not be included in it, the tenant may assign or lose, and to prove their presence and to return the cost of the owner. To do this in the paid inventory of everything of value, including: books, linens, dishes, rugs, appliances.

An inventory should be prepared at least in two copies, each of them must be signed by both parties with signature and date. If the contract is concluded through an intermediary, copies of the list should have it. To the inventory you need to make two copies of the act of acceptance. The first copy is filled out and signed when you move in, the tenant in the rented apartment, the second – when the eviction of her and the delivery of keys to landlord.