Horoscope for transient signs

Transient signs are still not enshrined in classical astrology, and some do not take them into account. However, the monitoring of astrologers, people born in the transition period are somewhat different from those who belong to the "pure signs".

Thus, if you were born in a period of transition, during the reading of the regular horoscope, you should pay attention immediately to the two predictions, the characteristics of the sign that you are "officially", and features the closest sign to the date of your birth.

You can also consult a professional astrologer for a personal forecast, so how to do it yourself is not always easy. It is necessary to have some knowledge. In some of the horoscopes of the start and end dates of the sign are written in different ways. For example, according to some predictions, Scorpio begins on October 22 and others 23. No need to blame the astrologers. Just the date of transition from one sign to another may vary depending on the number of days in a year. So in a leap year is a shift in astrological signs.

If you are not sure which sign you belong, come to the aid of special computer programmes, tables and ephemeris, professional astrologers. In General, the "pure symbols" are considered those born from the 1st to the 18th day of each month. All the rest, born from the 19th to 31st of each month, influenced by the previous and following characters at the same time.

Features of transient characters

People belonging to the transitional characters, quite unique in nature as they combine the features of two signs, sometimes taking the best and the worst from both. Typically, these characters stand out from the crowd. You can't miss them. However, the dominant influence of the sign, which is closer to the date of birth. For example, if you were born before August 25, more you lion, and if, after August 27, virgin.

In turn, according to some experts, people related to transitional signs can be called real lucky, because the power they are given just two elements:

- Earth-Air;
- Air To Water;
- Water-Fire.

Fire gives energy, dynamism, passion and ' Air ' helps to cope with the hardships of life, "Water" rewards calmness and wisdom, and "earth" is the ability to properly make daily decisions.