You will need
- - documents of the employee;
- - forms of the relevant documents;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - The labour code of the Russian Federation.
The head of Department must write to the Director a memo in which you must indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the employee, office held; indicate the reason why it is necessary to change the amount of salary of the employee. You must also enter the amount by which to increase the salary of the employee. If there is a need to reduce the salary, the opinion of the immediate supervisor of the specialist is not considered.
Then this document must be signed by the Department Manager and to send a memo to the Director of the company for consideration. The head of the company must put a resolution in the case of the consent with date and signature.
Write a notice to the employee about the change in salary amount which is necessary to give the employee two months before the expected date. Tell him the document signed in two copies. In case of disagreement with this fact ask the specialist other work consistent with his qualifications.
On the basis of memos make up the order. Unified Blanca in this document does not exist, it is internal and is written in any form. In the header of an order, specify the full and abbreviated name of the organization in accordance with its constituent documents; or surname, name, patronymic of a physical person in accordance with the identity document, if the organizational-legal form of enterprise sole proprietorship.
After the title of the document, which should be written in capital letters, indicate the number and date of the order. Enter the document's theme, which in this case corresponds to a change in salary to the employee.
In the administrative part of the order, enter the reason why there is a change in salary. These may be a change in staffing, change of technological conditions and others. Surname, name, patronymic of the employee, office held, and the amount by which changes his salary.
Lay the responsibility for the execution of the document to the accountant. The right of signature of the order has a Director of the company. Sign the document with the seal of the organization. Familiarize the employee with the order under the signature.