What birds knocking at the window?

This sign is not very good. The fact is that since ancient times, birds were attributed to some or other connection with the higher worlds. That is, birds are a kind of "intermediaries" between sky and earth: they convey news from heaven, will already dead. Knowing this, it is easy to see why it is considered a bad omen birds knocking on the window glass.

A bird knocking on the window, sadly it?

It all depends on what the bird knocked on the window. Most "sad" bird is an ordinary bird. But that's not all! The worst this sign becomes when the bird to death broken on the window glass. Then say that the omen is doubly effective.

Interestingly, some occultists have unearthed ancient beliefs, according to which the bird, knocking at the window, only symbolizes happiness. This interpretation stems from the fact that the ancient ancestors of the Slavs believed Tits good birds, messengers of the forces of light. In addition, the choice was assigned a kinship with the legendary Blue bird, carrier happiness on their wings. As can be seen from this paragraph, this sign is not so bad.

A bird knocking on the window. What people say about psychics?

Many magicians and psychics claim that this luck is very bad. They say that even a little bird, knocking someone out of the window (e.g., Sparrow) can indirectly do a lot of troubles: her knock will be a harbinger of the imminent death of someone from the household. Psychics claim that such a sign is a sign, they say, people need to prepare in advance to the sad event.

What psychologists say about the birds knocking at the window?

According to psychologists, do not try to take this sign to heart, to give it great importance, etc. Psychologists are sure that all of them are the usual match, which happens a lot in a day. Maybe one match out of thousands and is the notorious luck – but no more! The more that this game has not been proved.

Believe it or not?

If you delve into such superstitions with the head, it is possible to believe that any feathered creature sitting on the window sill is a message from above, a bird flew into the house, is the Herald of the death of any familiar person. However, to believe in such superstitions or not is entirely a personal matter. The main thing here – not to forget about common sense, which certainly helps in all situations!