Bazarov and Odintsova

The Central love story of the novel is the love Evgeny Bazarov Anna Sergeyevna Odintsov. Nihilist Bazarov doesn't believe in love, considering it only as a physical attraction. But this seemingly cynical and sensible nature, catches up with violent passionate love for the society beauty Madame Odintsov. Undoubtedly, Anna – nature is extraordinary. She's smart, majestic, not like the others. But her heart is cold, and Odintsova cannot respond to a sense of Bazarov, his passion frightens her, threatening to break her usual calm little world.

Defeated in love, Bazarov is not broken. It may even seem that he forgot Madame Odintsov. But being in the face of death that overpowered him in a strange and ironic coincidence, Bazarov wants to say goodbye to Anna Sergeyevna. Their last meeting reveals the depth of his feelings. "Generous!.. and what's young, fresh, clean... in this ugly room!" - says Bazarov about the woman.

Other love stories in the novel

Another character of the novel, is able to experience deep and passionate sense, is the antithesis (though largely double) Bazarov is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. But his love is very different from what feels Bazaars. Bazaars will never become a slave of the woman, which largely alienates from him Madame Odintsov. Pavel Petrovich also for the love of a certain Princess R. dashed all my life, lost my career, humiliated... as a result, a painful unrequited passion has drained the soul of a hero, turning him into a living dead.

Nevertheless, in the love of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich have something in common. No wonder, having gone through the drama of spurned love, they both are drawn to the easiest girl Baubles. But the attention of Pavel Petrovich, who saw in her appearance similarity with Princess R., only scares Bracelet, and Bazarov impudence offends her.

There are in the novel and two stories very different, relaxed, "home" love is love Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov to Baubles and love Arkady to Katya. They both end with the paintings of quiet domestic happiness, but the true passion, which was capable and Turgenev himself, and the Central characters of his works in these stories there. Therefore, they do not cause much interest in neither the readers nor the author.

Love theme is in the novel "Fathers and children" one of the leading. The test of love are all his characters. And how they managed to pass this test depends on the true essence and dignity of every person.