The conflict of worldviews

The novel was Written by Turgenev on the eve of the abolition of serfdom, in those days in Russia began to appear the people of the new progressive type – revolutionists-nihilists. In his work the writer gave a vivid description of such people, ready to destroy everything to build anew. In the nineteenth century, in view of the prevailing in the country of the historical situation, all the most significant literary works were raised on the pages of major philosophical, social and ethical issues of our time.

For classic Russian literature, the main quality has always been the wealth of perspectives, often reflected even in the titles of works. The novel Fathers and sons belongs to a special group of Russian works, the titles are the antithesis, such as "Crime and punishment," "War and peace", etc. is the title of his novel Turgenev emphasizes that it describes the conflict between fathers and children, new and old, of generations. In the clash of the main characters shows the life pattern, revealing the deepest abyss in the worldview of two generations. Described in the novel, the conflict suggests that in society there is a profound transformation.

Dispute generations

The main characters of the novel are divided into two main groups – "camp" fathers and the children. The main representatives of the "fathers" are older Bazarov and Nikolai and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanovy, in the camp of "children" includes Yevgeny Bazarov, Arkady Kirsanov and Anna Odintsova. To solve the question of who will make long-overdue conversion, the conservatives-fathers or revolutionary children Turgenev gives the reader. Disputes between commoners Bazarov and Kirsanov nobleman, on which the plot of the novel, Turgenev shows a sharp struggle of the democratic and liberal worldviews. Issues related to the people, labor, science, art exciting most advanced people of that time are also supplied by the writer in his work. What reforms are needed to the economy, agriculture, what are the fundamental differences between liberals and Democrats, all these questions are asked in the debate taking place between Bazarov and Kirsanov. Revolutionary-nihilist Bazarov does not believe in the ability of liberal democracy to Russia to the future. Aristocrat Kirsanov believes that only the educated liberal nobility, aloof from national household dirt is able to move society to progress. Ideological disputes of the heroes of antagonistov lead to a duel, which somehow alters their irreconcilable positions.

Problem confrontation of worldviews generations is quite relevant in our time. Conservative fathers who were brought up on other ideals and now often refuse to understand and do not recognize the moral values of their children. Therefore, the novel Fathers and sons, raised these issues, still studying in schools and Universities, and he is deservedly included in the classics of Russian literature.