It is worth saying that the men who lead a regular sex life, this problem should not arise. The question of the extension of sexual intercourse is directly linked to female orgasm. After all, the man primarily thinks, how to please your partner, because otherwise the sex would always be fleeting.

The technique of prolongation of sexual intercourse

In medicine there are several ways to increase the time of sexual intercourse. The first is based on the technique of sex.

Artificial prolongation of sexual intercourse is that when a man feels that orgasm is approaching, he slows frictions or even briefly remove the penis from the vagina of a woman. Man you should try to breathe evenly and deeply. However, he continues to stimulate erogenous zones of the partner, to her arousal eased. This phenomenon is called "prolongation". With this technique the probability of orgasm in of sexual partners also increased.

Furthermore, even upon occurrence of an ejaculation the man must accustom himself to continue sexual intercourse until the partner reaches orgasm. This method involves the use of a condom.

To increase the time of intercourse the man should enter the penis into the vagina only when a woman is sufficiently aroused as irritation of the head of the penis is much less if the vagina of your partner is well hydrated.

Mechanical methods

Doctors recommend the use of anesthetic gels that significantly prolong the time to orgasm in men. The composition of these gels include Savkin and tetracaine. The gel is applied to the head of the penis for half-hour before intercourse. The lubricant contributes to the blunting in men the sensitivity of the penis head. Same effect but with less intensity, has a condom. The pharmacy can buy condoms with anesthetic, created specifically to prolong sexual intercourse. Exist and medication, but it can only assign a doctor.

Excessive arousal just before sexual intercourse is recommended to remove the tension by means of Masturbation.

Remember, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up alcohol and cigarettes, a proper diet with foods rich in protein, contribute to the natural normalization and regulation of ejaculation in men.

If none of the methods did not bring the desired effect, it may indicate some disorders in the male body. In this case, you should consult with a specialist.