Why need accreditation?

Novice photographers are often faced with the necessity of getting accreditation for various events: concerts, exhibitions, sports matches, opening ceremony and so on. Of course, in some cases, you can just buy the ticket and take photographs on a General basis, however, accredited photographers are provided with far greater opportunities: access to a special area for the press, the right to withdraw at press conferences and so on.

Note that the larger the edition from which you are accredited, the more chances for a positive decision on accreditation. This is especially true of large events.

Accreditation may be required not only for taking pictures at events, but also to visit sensitive sites, industrial premises, protected areas. For example, if you want to photograph a plane taking off at close range, you will have to attend the accreditation and permit.

For those photographers who work in the state of printed or electronic media, the process of obtaining accreditation, as a rule, does not cause special difficulties. As the publication itself has an interest in illustrative material for publication was high quality, the management of the edition itself engaged in a process of accreditation of the correspondent and the photographer.


If you have not yet taken the staff of a newspaper, magazine or Internet news portal, but plan to cooperate with them, then accreditation will have to deal with yourself. You first need to know the contact details of the event organizers and people responsible for information security. Typically, this involved specialists in PR, advertising, marketing. They need to consult on the subject of what form you want to make a claim for accreditation and to whom to address it to.

It is not necessary to start a career with scams and unlawful photography. It will ruin your reputation, and in some cases can even lead to trouble with the law.

In the request to the responsible for the accreditation of a person please include your full name, contact information, purpose of accreditation and the name of the media, whose interests you purport to represent. Of course, before that you need to agree with the editors, because your powers can be tested. To deal with obtaining the necessary permits in advance, since the number of invitations to the press are almost always limited.

Finally, if you are linked to any media outlet, and to get the accreditation you need, you can go directly to the event organizers, or management of the company, providing his past work as an example. It is possible that you will give permission to shoot.