Signs during the study of the material

Exam preparation – a crucial period during which one can perform several rites that can draw in your face luck and the leniency of the teachers. For example, after reading of material to Stoke the tutorial and put it under your pillow at night. For greater reliability of the method can even kiss the source of knowledge.

Many students the night before the exam do a special divination. On separate pieces of paper write ticket numbers in accordance with the list of questions. In the morning, not looking at information, with your eyes closed, select the first sheet. The question number may be the same as that which you will obtain in the examination office. For reliability, you'll get not one, but several options.

The most common signs to attract good luck on the exam are the use of "lace of knowledge" and the grade book. During the reading of the material holding thin lace. Gradually tie up some loose ends, and then turn the strap the bracelet on his right wrist. During further study of the material, periodically scroll lace. Repeating this procedure on the exam, you will be able to recall the necessary information.

Huge number of students are practicing attracting good luck using the grade book. It should be open and direct at the starry sky with the words "Freebie, come!"

The signs before the exam

Before the exam try not to wash your hair, not to wear new clothes and postpone home cleaning at a later period. Otherwise you risk to wash or sweep away the knowledge necessary to pass the exams. Cutting hair or nails, shave, and change the image is also not recommended.

Going for the exam, put it under the right heel five roubles one coin. This talisman may affect the rating of the teacher. Closet is better to choose one with which you are connected only pleasant memories. Clothing needs to be successful in the truest sense of the word. But the other accessories should be avoided. They may attract unnecessary and not too positive energy.

If the first exam you passed with a good grade, try to give preference to the wardrobe, which was at the time. Even if in real life you are different frequent changes of outfits, during the session it is better to change your habits.

Signs during the exam

There is a perception that to attract good luck during the exam. Pulling the ticket, pay attention to the fact that you did this with just my left hand. Left leg with slight bend. Stepping into the audience, try as quickly as possible to say Hello with their instructor to initially to take the initiative.

Signs on the way to the exam

Going for the exam, pay attention to the environment. If the first person you meet on the street, be a man, then it can be regarded as a good sign. Pure luck can be met with a pregnant woman. Ask her to name any number in the range of expected tickets. It is likely that the answer will be a clue.