The issue of calculating the amount of vacation pay, many have come to depend on the knowledge and experience of the accountants that this procedure is actually doing. Even if the competence of an accountant is difficult to question, no it will not hurt to log in and personally look into the process of calculating "blood". Besides, it can help not only to avoid various errors in the calculation process, but also gives the opportunity to plan the budget for the upcoming event.

Rest time

The right to rest, any person is employed of the employer at least half of the calendar year. The period allotted for vacation, is equal to the average 28 days, but there are other options, for example, increased length of stay due to adverse working conditions, irregular hours of the day and so Such information should be discussed with the Director or the chief accountant, besides, does not put open and employment contract, where such subtleties are spelled out.

Calculate the vacation payment

A charge amount of vacation produces an accountant, he took the average annual earnings of an employee and the valid period of its activities. These two elements determine the future amount of vacation as cash.
Holiday at the request of the worker can compensate for unused vacation.

It may seem that the calculation period is the value of the permanent, and its not cause much difficulty. In fact, the average-earnings calculation happens to all of the past 12 months of the year, which would see various events and changes, for example, a worker could hurt to take unpaid days or not work for other reasons, having the production. All this determines the calculation naturally influences the calculation.

Average earnings - is the amount of payments over the past year that does not include various prizes, lifting and any social benefits, it is divided into 12 months and the average number of days in the month to 29.4. The number resulting from the division is multiplied by the days of rest – that is the formula of calculation used in organizations.

If the employee wants to take vacation after six months, the calculation must take only the last six months. Calculation period excludes only days in which the employee was on sick leave, days of absence the fault of the leadership, or any force majeure. Public holidays are also included in the calculation period.
As a General rule, vacation pay should be accrued no later than 2 weeks before the holiday and paid no later than the last working day.

If in the process of the calculation period or vacation in the organization suddenly changes, for example related to salary increases that are taking place and your position, that average earnings should proindeksirovat, and the remainder of the holiday shall accrue and be paid additionally.