Tattoo on the tongue

Tattoo on the tongue is a fairly new trend in the world of fans to Express themselves through drawings on the body. Looks good the drawing is very impressive. It is not surprising that many people wonder about how much it hurts, durable and does not threaten any unpleasant consequences.

Of course, a tattoo on the tongue is still considered experimental phenomenon, and very few can boast a significant knowledge in this area. One of the advantages of a tattoo on the tongue is that if the owner of a painted language this, do not want, you will never see his tattoo. It's a very intimate kind of tattoo.

The process of applying a tattoo on the tongue

Contrary to widespread fears, the process of tattooing is not so painful, it is not very different from making a normal tattoo. The main feature is that the tongue is a muscle, and a layer of epidermis on it not too dense. That's why tattoo artists have warned those wishing to obtain a pattern in the language that the picture may be eliminated over time. The durability of the result, which is guaranteed on normal parts of the body, the language is somewhat dubious.

The procedure of applying tattoos in a language as follows. Before you start making a drawing, working efficiently, the master will reinforce the customer's language. Of course, it can be a little uncomfortable, but will have to wait. Then the same needle punctures the top layer of the epidermis and brings in the paint. Usually a tattoo on the tongue is applied very quickly, because the plot size is small.

The pain when getting a tattoo on the tongue is almost the same as when working with other parts of the body. Some of those who did this tattoo, they say that severe pain is not, and sensations, rather reminiscent of the tickling. This probably depends on individual sensitivity. Some faint from the pain if doing a tattoo on the back, and others can be "painted" in places where there is the most delicate skin, not remembering the procedure with a shudder.

What pattern to choose for a tattoo on the tongue

According to the advice of the masters, it is not necessary to chop the language is something very complex or multicolored. The specificity of the appearance of this body is that the simpler the design, the more spectacular it looks. The best option would be a monochrome pattern, reminiscent in its simplicity of Celtic ornament.

Tattoos on the tongue can be any color, but remember that language has its own color, which also must be considered.