Herpes, or cold on the nose or underneath it gives me great discomfort as it goes, this phenomenon is quite long. But not everyone can afford to spend a week at home, so you need to do everything possible to cold went for a shorter period.

Folk remedies

To cope with the cold on the nose you can use folk remedies. You can try to make a bag of black tea in 100 ml boiling water, leave to cool. You will then need to moisten leaves of cotton and apply to the inflammation. To do this procedure several times a day. Typically, on day 3 the bubbles becomes much less.

Herpes of the nose can be deduced with a mixture of plants. This will need to find the following herbs: lungwort, fennel fruits, root of primrose, violets, flowers of mullein leaf, nettle leaf, birch leaf, raspberry leaf, plantain leaf, series, rose hips. Then they need to mix and prepare the broth. You need to fill 20 g collect 500 litres of boiling water. Infuse the mixture should thermos along with the grass for 12 hours. Taken three times a day for 50 ml. additionally, the tool is permitted to wash the affected area.

To cure a cold nose can be a juice of celandine, which it is recommended to prepare for the future. They need abundant oil herpes sores 5 times with an interval of 5 minutes. This procedure would require 4 times a day. When is herpes in the nose can drip a few drops of juice. To obtain the juice of celandine, you will need to take fresh, the grass roots, mince, squeeze the juice and pour into bottles. After which the tool must be left to ferment for a week. Periodically, the container should be opened to release the accumulated gases from it. Juice of celandine can be long enough to store in the fridge.


You can prevent the onset of a cold on the nose, this will require even before the appearance of bubbles, to anoint the itchy area with an antiseptic. Quite a lot of them, but the most effective is considered a drug called "Acyclovir". If to take such measures, the rash may not appear. Of course, there is a possibility that cold sores pop up on the nose, but it will not be strong and will be able to disguise cosmetic. Also it is necessary to take preventive measures. For example, with the help of a number of drugs to strengthen your immune system then the cold will not bother for a long time.