Ways of infection with syphilis

Infection in most cases is sexually transmitted from contact with foci of infection. Also it is possible to transmit syphilis through everyday (when using detergent), from mother to fetus (congenital syphilis) via blood products. The probability of infection through the entrance gate of an infection (microtrauma on the skin in the groin area, oral mucosa). The agents first go to the lymph nodes and then into the bloodstream. Treponema pale even when painting with dyes is invisible through the light microscope.

The symptoms of syphilis

The average incubation period is 3 to 6 weeks. First, the pathogen does not manifest itself, it is impossible to identify the disease by their appearance and blood tests. The first sign of the disease – the formation of solid and painless rounded ulcer with raised edges at site of contact. The diameter of the ulcers is 0.5-2 centimeters. It does not bleed.

Men can detect a chancre in the region of the glans penis or on the foreskin. In women ulcers are formed on small or large labia, near the anus, the cervix, the mucous membrane of the rectum, pubic, belly and thighs. There are also napolova localization of syphilis (fingers, tongue, lips and the tonsils).

Next, the disease goes to another stage, when manifested regional lymphadenitis. In the groin area there are outdoor education, which in form resemble hazelnut or beans. So look inflamed lymph nodes. If the chancre is located on the cervix or in the rectum, then lymphadenitis remains unnoticed as swollen lymph nodes in the pelvic area.

Secondary syphilis develops within 2-3 months from the time of infection, may continue for 2-4 years. This period is characterized by rashes in the form of waves, which usually runs alone after a couple of months. Infected not bother no fever, no itching. In secondary syphilis hair may fall out, and sometimes affects the eyebrows and eyelashes. Runs this stage of the disease in the form of alternating remissions and exacerbations. May cause growths of flesh-colored spots in the anus and on the genitals.

Tertiary syphilis occurs in the absence of treatment many years after infection. Affects the bones, the nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and internal organs. The syphilides on the skin look like dense and painless bumps that capture deeper layers of the skin, subcutaneous fat layer. Holes in the cartilage of the nose, soft and hard palate, larynx. The lack of treatment leads to death.

If you notice signs of illness should immediately seek help to the doctor-venereologist. In no case do not self-medicate. Treatment should be individualized and comprehensive, base - antibiotics.