If your computer does not start the newly installed game, this is not the reason for reinstallation. The reasons may be different. Make sure that your user account the computer is not worth the restrictions for launching applications.

Also make sure you have installed drivers for the device configuration of your computer. It is best to use updated versions of them. Be sure to check the video driver in the properties of the desktop or programs list in the control panel of the computer. Also important that you have a motherboard driver and video card.

If with drivers everything is in order, try running the game as administrator (important for Windows Vista and Windows Seven). Make sure. That running game is not blocked by antiviruses and other programs that ensure the safety of your computer. If you are confident that during the game will not use the Internet or removable storage, turn off the antivirus system.

Also, the game may not start due to insufficient system resources of your computer. To avoid such situations, always look at minimum system requirements when buying games on the back of the drive. Its the same configuration you can view the properties of computer will be the processor, RAM, operating system version, and so on.

To determine the model of your video card open device Manager in one of the tabs on this menu and view its name, open the corresponding drop-down menu. Check the settings of your video card online. Remember for the future opportunities of your computer, the next time to buy the game with the relevant requirements.