How to remove the evil eye independently

To eliminate from your energy field of negative energy is possible using the method of "pumping". You need to create such favorable conditions that you have received and absorbed a lot of positive emotions, which by their appearance and "lift" the negative. For this purpose, for example, suitable dynamic dances in free style or exercise, which involve the emotional upheaval.

You can also practice meditation that will allow you to "clean up" and balance your energy centers (chakras). Followers of the Christian religion will help a sincere belief in God, using the Church's attributes, and most importantly - a cleansing prayer.

No matter which of these or other methods you choose, it is important to remember that revenge in this case will only worsen the situation. Also it will turn against you. And because you know exactly who you are jinxed or not, the person you need to forgive. Sometimes it is very difficult to forget and forgive the wrong done. In this case, you can think about what the person did so for the weakness or ignorance.

How to remove evil eye by using "Holy" water

One of the best ways of self-deliverance from the evil eye it is believed in the Church consecrated water. It is recommended to always keep her at home and apply as necessary from damage, the evil eye, for energy cleansing of the home.

If you feel good, you feel weakness and fatigue, and things are not going well, the time has come to come to grips with their energy. Read in the morning after waking up the Lord's prayer", wash with Holy water and say the plot: "the evil eye, from where you came, and go! In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. Amen." This method is very simple, but effective. To repeat such a conspiracy is possible as necessary, until you notice that the mood is improved, and in the Affairs of the order came.

If you do not have "Holy" instead of water you can use spring or "living", self-made from ice. Pouring it into a glass, put water little to stand in the sun, or "charge" her energy, using the energy of the hands.

How to protect yourself the evil eye

To not worry about the whammy, it is recommended to take protective measures. The Lord's prayer", spoken after you Wake up, ensure that you are protected for the whole day. Also a good prayer to the virgin Mary, Jesus, saints, guardian angel.

If you are a Christian believer, you will help the constant wearing of the symbol of their religion - crucifix, sanctified in the temple. If not, you can wear a protective amulet. Preliminarily it needs to be "charged", otherwise the strong effect of it will not.

Wear jewelry made of silver - the metal absorbs the negative energy. However don't forget 1 time in a week to rinse the ornament under cold running water to wash away all the negativity. Or, you can wear a safety pin pinned on the wrong side of the garment. This is also checked by time, the remedy for the evil eye.

If you know for sure that today will be the center of attention, wear flashy and bright jewelry or accessories - they can distract you from the bad looks. Decorations made of natural metals should be cleaned of accumulated negative energy. To do this, they periodically need to soak in the salt solution. Then wash them and wear again.