Useful if tanning during pregnancy?

According to experts, tanning under certain rules will be useful for the expectant mother and the child developing in her womb. The fact is that while staying under the sunlight in the female body aktiviziruyutsya production of vitamin D3, stimulates the absorption of calcium. A tan obtained in the early stages of pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the process of laying the foetus of all the vital organs and systems contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton.

For the pregnant woman sunbathing will be the harmless way to combat hair loss, damage the teeth and nails. The deterioration of their condition usually associated with lack of vitamin D3 and calcium, but few know that even when you receive of multivitamin complexes, they are not digested fully. But if you combine their intake with a stay in the sun, a useful effect will only increase.

How dangerous tanning during pregnancy?

During pregnancy the female body is most vulnerable, so prolonged sun exposure can lead to deterioration of health of the expectant mother and the developing baby. For example, overheating of the mother increases the temperature of its internal organs and is transmitted to the fetal body which is not able to regulate the temperature of your own body. Therefore, taking sun baths, you should avoid overheating, because it is dangerous disorders of the nervous system and brain of the fetus.

Taking the decision to tan while pregnant, you should take into account the fact that the ultraviolet rays stimulate all the natural processes in the body. If a woman before pregnancy had heart problems, circulation or breathing, prolonged exposure in the sun or in the Solarium, for it can be dangerous.

To sunbathe or not?

In the absence of health problems to sunbathe pregnant is possible and necessary, but only it is necessary to strictly adhere to certain rules related to sun exposure "in position". First, you should not sunbathe from 10 to 16 hours, because at that time the UV rays are most dangerous. It is not recommended to stay on the beach without a hat. If you pick a bright wide-brimmed hat, it will provide head protection from overheating, as the skin from age spots. To not have to squint in the sun, causing the appearance of wrinkles, it is useful to have sunglasses.

If you are planning a trip to the sea, you should discuss with your obstetrician the issue of fluid intake. The expert should explain, how many it is necessary to drink in order to prevent dehydration. It is also advisable to stock up on sunscreen with a high SPF level. Apply on the body they need in 20 minutes before going to the beach and after each bath.