The experience of meeting a child with the death of people close to him plays a huge role in his future life. Parents are required to vaccinate children from an early age a wise attitude to death and life. When a child dies a mother, you need to consider every word before to tell the kid about this. What attitude to death the child was vaccinated parents, depends on how he will take a severe loss.

Whether to tell the child about the death of his mother?

Nine months before the birth of the child is with the mother one. This period leaves behind an invisible link baby with a woman, the connection between psychological and emotional, which is hard to break. Therefore, the child's reaction to the death of the mother can be very unpredictable.

Close relatives in such situations to doubt, whether to tell the child immediately that my mother is no more. But doubts arise only from cowardice, because the child will react on the mountain, and this reaction will have to face. To inform the child about the death of the mother should immediately. The only way to prevent the formation of negative attitudes of the baby to yourself, to family, to life in General.

The advice of psychologists: how to place his words

Kids under three years of age, have a few ideas of death, especially if the parents are not told about it. Such a child need to say that my mother is no more and to emphasize that he is not left alone, he'll be dad, grandma, aunt. "Baby, you can hardly be called words what is happening in your soul because you're too young. Come on, we're going to cover? You select the pencils of those colors that best reflect your condition. Which pencil do you want to take?" Probably the first time all the drawings of a small child are black, dark, gloomy. This is normal, so the kid takes out her pain.

Children 3 to 6 years old know about death more, but we are confident that their family, she never touches. At this age, children feel the dependence on parents, and his mother's death will inevitably cause fear and guilt. Adults are supposed to block these processes at the beginning. It is important to explain that the mother died, but blame the kid in this. Should take any emotion of the child, which occurs as a reaction to mom's death. If it's anger, let it spill, we need to share sadness, guilt removed. "Baby, are you mad at mommy because she is gone? But she is not to blame. Your anger doesn't change what happened. Let's see my mom's photos and remember what it was wonderful. What do you think she just told you?"

Students and Teens know about the death of almost everything. But they still need support. It is important to know that with the departure of moms they are not alone. "I understand that you shared with the mother of all secrets. It is unlikely I will be able to replace it for you. But I want you to know that you can always trust me, I will always help you. You're not alone, I'm with you".