Mechanical damage

If you notice that the dog is running out of legs, not to rely on them when you walk, inspect limbs for signs of damage. Cuts stuck the spines of plants or splinters of glass, sprains and bruises may cause pain to an animal. If you find the paw of a splinter, remove it gently with tweezers. The cut can be treated with hydrogen peroxide to avoid contact with the wound infection. Gently palpate the dog's paws to rule out dislocation, fracture or severe bruising. Fracture and dislocation of the dog will yelp even with a light touch, a limb may be deformed. All types of injuries able to give quite severe swelling. To help the animal, you can put a bandage on the injured area, apply ice, if necessary, give a painkiller. At the first opportunity to show the animal to the vet.

Hip dysplasia

Some breeds, most commonly large and heavy animals often suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. St. Bernards, sheepdogs, Labrador retrievers are susceptible to hip dysplasia. Usually this disease is observed more in puppies at the age of 4-10 months. First, the animal is lame when trying to get up, but after a few minutes, his gait is smooth. If these are not followed an appeal to the veterinarian, the problem could get worse: the animal is lame continuously hurts his paws. Dysplasia – a hereditary disease, and treatment does not exist. However, medical intervention can stop or significantly slow the progression of the disease. The sooner you contact the person noticing the problem, the more chances your dog to enjoy a full life. In the most severe cases, the animal shows an operation.

Senile diseases of the joints

With age, dogs can develop diseases such as arthritis, diskospondylitis, osteochondrosis. The first symptoms are similar to dysplasia tazobedrennom joints rising, animal limps. Gradually, the disease progresses, the dog feels pain, he refuses to go for a walk, cease to move, even within the apartment. The result can be total paralysis. The best help an animal in this situation can provide only a veterinarian. These diseases can not be cured, but timely medication and physiotherapy can slow down the progression of the disease and give your pet several more years of healthy life.