Causes of pain from the injection

Infiltration and pain at the site of intramuscular injection appear to be the case, if the injection was made too stupid or short needle, if was properly selected site for injection with multiple injections in the same region, failure to observe the rules of disinfection. Painless to inject the drug fails and in that case, if the drug penetrates into the muscle too slowly, this produces a lump. If, in addition to the bumps, the bruise appears, therefore, during the injection been damaged a blood vessel and a small amount of blood came under the skin.

The pain after the injection, not accompanied by fever and redness of the skin often go away on their own after a few days. If unpleasant sensations are accompanied by redness, swelling, appearance of suppuration, fever, should immediately contact the surgeon. If in addition to pain at the injection site numbness, you should consult a neurologist because it may be damaged nerve ending.
A serious danger may be wound infection, which can happen due to the irregularity of antiseptics during the injection.

How to reduce pain from injections

To reduce discomfort should be treated the injection site with ointment Traumeel. This drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect, relieves swelling. The tool used three or four times a day, rubbing the painful areas. To reduce pain of injection, it is possible to apply a compress with a gel containing heparin (e.g., "Lioton") or dimexide, troxerutin. Gel you need to lubricate the affected area, and the top to apply a bandage, which should be pre-ublaziti solution of Dimexidum, diluted with water.
To reduce pain of injection, can be applied to this place crushed cabbage leaf.

A good way to reduce soreness at the site of injections - iodine mesh. It is applied on the region of the seal with a cotton swab several times a day. Applying iodine mesh can be combined with warming of the patient location with a warmer you have to keep it for 30-40 minutes.

The good effect of honey cakes. For their preparation you need to mix a spoon of honey with egg yolk and a tablespoon of butter, add the flour. The finished pellet is applied to the affected area several times a day. To the injection was painless, the patient's need to prick into the relaxed muscle, it is advisable that the patient was in the supine position. After injection, it is necessary to use antiseptic for treatment of injection.