Under the understand heart rate heart rate per minute, and its normal value for an adult is 60 – 80 beats. The heart rate and blood pressure are closely interrelated and reflect the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

Possible high pulse at normal pressure

The increase in heart rate to 100 beats per minute and higher is called tachycardia. This condition can occur despite normal blood pressure and is caused by the following reasons:
- the body's natural response to external stimuli: high physical load and emotional stress.
- diseases of internal organs.

In a healthy person, temporary tachycardia spontaneously. Quite a bit to calm down or relax from physical stress, and heart rate comes back to normal. If tachycardia is accompanied by chest pain, unstable heart, blackouts, dizziness and breathlessness, it may be a symptom of the disease.

What to do when complaints of high pulse at normal pressure

As a first aid in case of sudden increase of heart rate you can use the following methods:

- to unbutton a collar of garment and to provide free access of air to the neck and upper chest;

- be applied to the forehead a handkerchief or a towel moistened with cold water;

- hold breath for a few seconds.

If the attacks of tachycardia are repeated regularly enough, you should care about preventive measures. First, from the diet should exclude foods that contain alcohol and caffeine, since these substances have a stimulating effect on the heart. Secondly, you must give up Smoking, which narrows blood vessels. Thirdly, if necessary, need to lose weight and thereby reduce the load on the heart.

But only some preventive measures are insufficient and a person with tachycardia will need a full examination using such diagnostic methods like ECG, cardiac ultrasound, blood tests to determine hormone levels.