Rectal suppositories contain in their composition active substances with local action, have analgesic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The drug acts locally on the affected area. In the early stages of hemorrhoids candles help fast enough to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. In order to remedy was really effective, it is necessary to use them correctly.
Try to avoid self-medication. There are many varieties of candles from hemorrhoids and can prescribe appropriate only a doctor, based on individual peculiarities of the disease for each patient.
Preparation for the procedure
Before procedure it is necessary to empty the bowel, as after the introduction of the candle the patient may feel the urge to defecate. In this case, the candle will stand for long, and therefore, the treatment efficiency will be reduced. You also need to take a shower and rinse the anus with cool water to prevent infection during the introduction of the funds.
The candle should be removed from the packaging immediately before use. If you long to hold her in my arms or leave at room temperature, it will begin to melt. Before removing the candles from the protective blister wash your hands with soap and water. Hygiene rules must comply, as this will prevent infection in the rectum and will not prevent the development of inflammation.
Introduction candles are usually not accompanied by pain. You may experience minor physical discomfort. To minimize discomfort, doctors recommend to take a comfortable position on the right or left side with knees pulled up to her stomach.
If immediately after the introduction of candles it took a bowel movement, after 10-15 minutes repeat procedure. If defecation occurred after 15 to 20 minutes or more, repeated administration of the drug is required.
How to use suppositories?
With clean hands carefully remove the candle from the blister, and then, lying on his side, gently insert it into the anus to a depth of not more than 3 cm do Not force the candle too hard, as excessive pressure can injure the damaged mucosa. Small enough tap to suppository went into the rectum as a whole.
How much time must pass?
Order the medication time to dissolve and act, do not rush to take a vertical position. Doctors suggest after the introduction of the candle to lie down for 20-30 minutes at rest. Half an hour after the procedure, you can proceed with daily activities: on the action of medicines is not affected.