The easiest way to make shorts

Shorts can be easily made from old pants. No pattern for that is not needed, because you already have a product that needs only to be shortened. For this you need the tape, long ruler, chalk and sewing supplies.

To start, wash, dry and iron the pants. To my old "arrows" do not have. Measure along the side seams from the hem the same distance. Using a ruler draw lines bottom. Do not forget to leave allowances for processing. You can then carefully trim the legs. By the way, if you rework so jeans, the bottom can dissolve the fringe. Moreover, such a decoration is popular.

If you sew the shorts out of the pants, fold the allowances of 0.5 and 2 cm on the wrong side, keen and hem them on the machine or manually. Shorts ideal for you in size, ready! Thus it is possible to give a second life to old overexposed trousers, pants or jeans.
In this way most often undone jeans, but he was fit and Trouser of cotton, woolen and synthetic fabrics.

Shorts without a pattern: step by step guide

Sew beautiful shorts just an hour of this pattern is the real challenge. For this we first need to make a simple sketch to decide the extent of future shorts should be free. To do this you need to remove a few measurements: waist, hips and length of shorts.

After that take a cardboard or heavy paper. Her need to draw a rectangle one side of which is equal to the length of the product, and the second – poluobhvat hips, multiplied by 1.5. You must now cut a rectangle, leaving from all parties seam. One of the long sides, it is 2.5 cm, all others – 0,7-1 cm (depending on fabric). Then take the second rectangle.
The workpiece can be cut simultaneously after folding the fabric in half. Product length should be in equity.

Now assemble the parts of the shorts and gently sweeps them, and then sostrochite stepper seams. You should have two halves of the product. One turn them inside out, the second should be right side out. Insert the second into the first, aligning the sections of front and rear seams. Seams baste and sostrochite.

Treat the upper part of the garment – sew the elastic band, previously made it into the ring. Elastic band can be in matching fabric, and contrast. In the second case it is possible for the rest of the stitches to lay the finishing line of the same color. In the last step and fold the hem of the trousers. Original shorts without a pattern is ready!

It should be noted that the material for the shorts best to choose opaque, but lightweight and good drape, like Jersey. You will also need a wide elastic band. Cut these shorts can be directly directly into tissue.