Online Converter to convert images to pdf

For quick and easy conversion of images to pdf you can use various online converters. One of these handy tools is a multifunctional Converter It is very understandable with the version in Russian language is free and does not limit users to the number of convertible images.
The creators of the Converter also come up with an app for Chrome. Once, you can easily find it in the list of apps and browser to use it, indefinitely. The app can be set with the button Add to Chrome.

To convert the file, find the button "Choose file" and click it. Select the file on your computer and upload it to the server. There will be additional menu allowing you to select the pdf file format, orientation, and to determine the boundaries. Under menu you will see the downloaded file in miniature. Having defined the parameters, click "Create pdf now". Depending on the browser, or the converted file will be downloaded automatically, or you will need to click "Download PDF".

Convert to pdf with the help

Functionality online Converter similar to the above described. Parametrize pdf file includes changing the angle of the image orientation on the document page, determining the image size and spacing from the edges of the document. Manual conversion file can be found directly under the tool on the same web page.

Conversion of the file using Google Drive

This method can be used if other methods for some reason are not working. It will take a little more time.

To convert the format, you will need an account in the mail service Gmail. If you do not have an account, then create this. To do this, open the Google homepage, locate the "Mail" in the upper right corner and click on this menu item. In the opened window look for the string "Create account". Click on it. You will need to enter your data: name and surname, to come up with a user name and password, specify your gender and date of birth. Enter the characters from the image, tick the box to agree to terms and click "Next". The Gmail account that you can use all the Google services that you created.

Creating an account will not take more than two minutes, and the service will tell you what to do.

Click "Next" and you will be on the welcome page. In the top row black find the menu item "Disk" and go to it.

If you already have a Gmail account, just go to "Disk" from your account. You can get there from the home page through Google "Services" (symbol – nine squares, reminiscent of a slice of the cube).

You can now convert the file. This can be done in two ways.

The first way

On the page "Disk" in the left menu, locate the "Create" button and next to the upward pointing arrow. Click on it from the drop-down menu, select "Files". Download with Windows downloads the file in jpg. You will see it in the list of files to "Disk" when the download finishes. Open the file by clicking on it with the mouse. The image is displayed. Under it locate the "Open" button and click it. A window will open with the image and a small menu at the top left.

Before saving the document in pdf format you can rename it. To do this, place the cursor on the file name in the upper left corner of the web page.
Now look in the upper left corner of the item "File" and open it. Select "Open with" submenu and move the cursor to the docs. Click and wait until the file is converted to Google document. In the opened document, hover the mouse cursor over the menu item "File" at the top of the document and select "Download as". In the submenu click on "PDF Document". The file will be downloaded to your computer in the format you want.

The second way

The second method is convenient because if you wish before conversion an image can be stretched or moved. Then in the pdf it will look more tidy.
After downloading a file on Disk, it is possible to create a pattern. This will also open the file, find the menu item "File" and in the submenu, locate the "Create" and then "picture". Click on the line drawing. A new window will appear in the document the mesh (chess Board). In the top menu of the document hover over the image icon (mountains in the frame) and click on it.

A window will appear with the search. In the left menu, find "Google Drive", select "Recent". Find the jpg file and select it by clicking it with the mouse. Click "Select" at the bottom of the screen.

Wait until you insert a picture into the document. You can rename a file by hovering the mouse cursor over its name in the upper left corner. By default it will be called "pattern without a name."

Go to menu item "File" and select the item "Download as" and then "PDF Document". Click on this line, and will start downloading a file in pdf format on the computer.