Dry food is the choice of busy people

What to feed a dog, natural food or dry food, chooses its owner. If you decide to have a pug, carefully read the rules of the power of this breed. The problem is that the dog is practically omnivorous, allergic, very full-bodied and requires a large amount of vitamins.
Allergies have nearly all pugs. Main products, causing severe dermatitis poultry and fish. Also unpleasant rashes can cause dairy products, some vegetables.

Natural feeding pugs, at first glance, seems simple. However, breeders are recommended to use food grade fresh meat (mainly beef, tripe), vegetables, dairy products. The food should be firm, always new, any other products is strictly prohibited. Also special vitamins: they will strengthen the bones and joints of the legs, which is necessary to sustain the considerable weight of the body.

With dry food all the more elementary. Quality products have a balanced composition, which clearly distributed vitamins, minerals. You will also be able to choose the optimal ratio of fats-protein-carbs. Through the precise recommendations, you will be easy to control portion – a dog will always be fed, but not overfed. If you decide to use dry food for feeding pug, seriously go to the product selection.

Dry food for pug: a complete diet and safety

Not every dry food will do fine, allergic to the dog breed pug. Remember: many products sold in pet stores, do not meet the high requirements. Always avoid food sold by weight, and colorful food. The dog still what color the filling of the bowl, and dyes can cause in a pug severe dermatitis and inflammation.
Never practice mixed feeding: natural and dry. For digestion of each stomach needs its own environment. When mixed diet the activity of internal organs is disturbed.

Special attention deserve the "pedigree" of the feed. This line is from the famous manufacturer Royal Canin. However, to feed such food should not all pugs. The fact that the basis lies Canin products from poultry meat – chicken. To avoid allergic reactions, it is better to find a more suitable food.

For pug breeders recommend to purchase feed super-premium. They are best balanced in vitamins and minerals, the manufacturers use only quality products. Also, many feed high class, there are herbal supplements that strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, protect from many infections.

Of brands, producing food of high-class pay attention to Orijen, Acana, Go Natural Holistic. Most often, the owners of pugs prefer products, a key element of which is lamb, duck or fish. Noteworthy also is the German food of super-premium Wolfsblut. The manufacturer offers a wide range of tastes: from traditional lamb to exotic Australian kangaroo.

Plus data feed is also public information about the ingredients, the content and amount of trace elements (important for pugs who have had any diseases). Minus – in retail stores, they are almost not to find. Basically, they must be ordered via the Internet.