Virginity in adulthood: a disadvantage or advantage?

General set expression "old maid" puts on a woman a certain cachet. Just seems quiet, calm intellectual-lecturer in cultural studies living in an apartment with three cats and an old, almost senile mother.

Modern society has distorted beyond recognition. Unfortunately, the presence of regular sex was the main goal in life is virtually a motto. Society too is exaggerating the importance of sexual life, and saved my virginity at the age of 30-35 makes people misunderstanding, and various kinds of suspicion.

The causes of late virginity

Late virginity is not necessarily related to asexuality or any of Sexo-psychological problems. Perhaps the woman decided that the first man who marry her. And there is nothing strange and wrong when we want to belong completely to only one person.

Maybe so happened the circumstances of life: at an early age people believed that a young, educated, and then engaged in scientific activity, engrossed in his work, Chagall's career, and one day woke up and realized that never in my life at my age have not experienced full sexual satisfaction.
Usually, such people feel the pressure of society, which develops in them the complexes that are harmful to the psyche.

Negative consequences of late virginity

In adulthood, virginity can produce a number of both social and psychological problems.

Low self-esteem. When everyone around laugh and poke a finger at you like some kind of prehistoric discovery, inevitably begin to think about your sanity and usefulness.
Remember that you are not worse than the others, and something even better. You have your perception of the world, you have a clear idea of how you want to live. Do not succumb to provocations. Live your mind and senses.

Suspicion of others. Most likely, people close to I wish you only happiness, but most of them can't understand you, so treat you a little biased. The first thought that they born : he/she has problems in the sexual parts.
Person is free to decide when to lose their virginity. This should be a conscious decision, because the spiritual side of the relationship plays in this process an important role.

Failure in love relationship. Late virgins hard it is to tell their elected representatives that in their 30-35 years they are innocent, so quite often there are awkward, uncomfortable, sometimes even tactless situation.

On the subject of late virginity is composed of many legends and myths that are simply unthinkable biased. From the point of view of medicine, there are minimal difficulties associated with the process defloration in adulthood, and they are purely individual. The main problem is psychological. Although if the first sex of your life with caring, loving person, all the awkwardness and incidents does not seem to you monstrous and irreparable.