What is a polygraph and what you want

If passing the polygraph depends on the further development of the judicial process or your employment, you will surely want to know what this procedure is. Of information on this subject quite a lot today, you can read about it in books and on specialized Internet-resources. The main thing you need to know is that the polygraph does not yield accurate results. The effectiveness of such studies is growing, but incorrect results are still.

The reason of having to complete research on the polygraph may be different. If it is associated with a specific incident, you probably will know what you want. If you get a job, as a rule, specific information you will not wait, the goal is to understand your propensity to those or other actions related to the upcoming work.


To significantly increase the successful completion of the procedure, it is possible to work out in advance, but it should be done correctly. There are many methods of testing on a polygraph, as well as control tests to them, you can find them on the Internet. Carefully read these procedures and practice before the passage of the polygraph.
In the procedure of passing the polygraph there are many subtleties. Get as much information as possible about it before getting tested.

Feel confident

On the day of passing of the polygraph dress more conservatively, try to impress those who will carry out the testing. Arriving at the place of testing, be confident, and remember that it is possible, for you will observe, before connect to the equipment. This can be a hidden camera, and also the people who will conduct the testing.
Excessive sweating can be regarded as an indicator of lying. To avoid using deodorant the day before and the day of testing.

Types of questions

In the process of passing a polygraph, as a rule, you specify three types of questions. First, ask neutral questions, the answers to which are obvious, for example, "what is your name?" or "How old are you?". Then there are major issues directly affecting test, for example: "have You ever sold drugs?" or "have You ever stolen in the workplace?". At the end of the test ask test questions, they need to compare your responses with responses to the main questions. To security questions, as a rule, given to monosyllabic answers "Yes" or "No", but to answer them honestly very nice and comfortable. Test questions will depend on your previous answers. For example, if one of the previous questions you will answer what they stole, a control question might be: "do you steal now?"

Try to always answer "Yes" or "No"

For most questions one-word answer is enough. Never make excuses or try to explain what you mean. You can provoke a detailed response. Do not give in to this, if the question did not imply. Answer questions calmly and politely, but do not give more information than is really necessary.

Keep calm and answer clearly

In the first half of the test you need to preserve maximum calm, try to keep breathing at the rate of 20-30 breaths a minute, take deep breaths. Keep calm on the test questions will be harder, but try to do it as necessary. Passing the polygraph is a serious procedure, do not attempt to joke or cheat, the answer is seriously, clearly and without hesitation.