Preparation for assay

There are many kinds of blood tests and each of them requires its own preparation. However, there are General guidelines, ignoring that, to obtain reliable results of studies is simply impossible.

First, the day before giving blood you must refrain from eating fatty, salty and spicy dishes and strong coffee and tea. Second, the analysis is not desirable to pass while taking medication. If possible, the procedure is better to postpone for a few days after the end of therapy, or at least to warn the doctor that the blood test results may be distorted due to the influence of drugs.

Third, the validity of the analysis is also influenced by habit. And if Smoking should be abandoned at least for a couple of hours before giving blood, alcohol can not be taken for at least days before the procedure.
The results of the analysis may be unreliable after x-rays and physical therapy. That is why donating blood is recommended to complete all other procedures.

How to donate blood for the General analysis

General analysis of blood does not require any additional preparation. It is sufficient to comply with the above recommendations, the results of the study were reliable. One hour before blood sampling can even afford a light Breakfast, such as porridge on water and weak tea without sugar.

To during the procedure, the blood was flowing well and the technician did not have force to put pressure on the finger, it is desirable before testing to warm the hands and try to cope with anxiety.

How to take a blood sugar

The blood sugar should be done strictly on an empty stomach. To refrain from food intake should be 8, but preferably 12 hours before blood sampling. Tea, coffee, juices and other beverages are also banned. The only exception is the pure still water, to lean on which, however, is not worth it. A few SIPS to quench your thirst will be strong enough.
Before donating blood you should not brush your teeth and especially chewing gum. Contained in toothpaste and chewing gum sugar will distort the results of the analysis.

How to donate blood from a vein

Analysis for infections and hormones, and biochemical analysis is done from venous blood. To pass it should be strictly on an empty stomach, preferably before 10 am. Before blood sampling should be to sit and relax, to heart rate and blood pressure returned to normal after exercise (going to the clinic, climbing stairs to the desired floor is let minimum, but the load).

During sampling of venous blood should comply with all recommendations of the medical staff. If you feel unwell, experience dizziness or flies in the eyes, you should inform a nurse, so she promptly assisted.

Blood to sex hormones women should take on certain days of the menstrual cycle, so you should visit a doctor, that he gave direction to the lab for the desired date.