The most convenient and fastest way to travel from Moscow to Kharkov is flying a plane. Naturally, this road will change to ground transportation — after all, Russia does not have its own airport. So we need to buy tickets for flight "Moscow — Gelendzhik". From the airport "Domodedovo" on this route fly Airliners airlines "VIM-Avia" and "Rusline", "Sheremetyevo" Shuttle planes "Aeroflot" and in "Vnukovo" monopoly in this direction is the airline "UTair". After arrival at the airport of Galicica need to get on the bus "Gelendzhik — Kabardinka" and get off at final stop. The total time spent on the road, will be 3 hours 20 minutes.
In addition to the aircraft to Natalie guest can be reached by long-distance train. However, again with a connection. For this we need to take the train "Moscow — Novorossiysk" who every day departs from the Kazan station of the Russian capital. After arriving in Novorossiysk, you can take the bus number 33 takes you to the stop "Kabardinka. The route".
As for a trip to Kabardinka bus, three times a week from the bus station "Krasnogvardeyskaya" leaving the bus "Moscow — Gelendzhik". After arriving at the bus stop "Gelendzhik. Bus station" need to buy a ticket for bus number 75 which will take you to the station "Kabardinka. The route". The total time the road will be approximately 25 hours.
If to get to Kabardinka car, then you first need to move on the highway M-4 don via Novomoskovsk, Yelets, Voronezh and Rostov-on-don. Then need to get to Krasnodar, and from him to Kabardinka not more than 30 kilometers. This path will take approximately 22 hours and 30 minutes. But only if are usually busy highway M-4 don't be many kilometers of traffic jams. Otherwise, the road can be delayed for another three to four hours.