Small pieces of watermelon, you can start to give the baby with a year. First time, you can give the child to try watermelon juice, squeezed from the pulp of the berries through cheesecloth. Or mix it up with the usual baby Apple juice. Watermelon juice on the day from 1-2 tablespoons, eventually increasing this amount.
Do not insist that the child ate a piece of watermelon, if he does not think it is delicious, and the baby stubbornly refuses a new food in the diet.
Make sure before giving watermelon to your child that the berry does not contain nitrates. About the presence of dangerous enzymes in the watermelon say too much red color of the flesh, out among the black and white seeds, yellow streaks among pink or red pulp.
Buy watermelon from people who, you know, raised him at his dacha. Or you can buy a watermelon at the market, but after mid-August, as too early watermelons are usually saturated with nitrates and chemical fertilizers. But don't take the watermelon, which sold nearly road course as the exhaust gases of automobiles have the ability to penetrate a watermelon rind.
Before you buy child watermelon carefully rinse the berries in warm water with a brush. Baby let's flesh out of the middle of berries, as most of the nitrates (if they are still there) in watermelon is present under the skin up to 3 cm in depth.
Children aged one to two years, let's watermelon flesh no more than 50 Children from two to three years, we can give the day 100 g of watermelon. And those kids who are over three years old – 150 grams a day.
Check the pieces of watermelon pulp, which is offered to child seeds. Toddler easily swallows them without noticing, and they can choke.