Micro-dose hormonal pills are perfect for young and nulliparous women who have regular sexual intercourse more often than once a week. Micro-dose hormonal pill is the best means of protection from unwanted pregnancy for the girls who have never enjoyed the means of hormonal contraception. Such tablets include: "Lindinet-20", "Jess", "LOGEST", "Mersilon", "Novinet", "Klajra". These medications are easily tolerated and have virtually no side effects.
Low-dose hormonal pills are recommended to women in late reproductive age and parous women. These pills it is advisable to use also the young and nulliparous girls, living a regular sexual life, ovulation which, as a result of receiving micro-dose hormonal drugs, are not blocked. The most popular low-dose hormonal therapy are: "yasmin", "Lindinet-30", "Marvelon", "Regulon", Jeanine", "Silest" and "Miniziston".
Parous women and women in late reproductive age living a regular sexual life, perfect and srednedushevye hormonal pills: "Desmoulins", "Chloe" and "Diana-35". These drugs are not only able to protect the woman from unwanted pregnancy, they are also a great remedy for regulating the menstrual cycle.
But high-dose, highly hormonal pillssuch as "Ovidon", "Three-regolith", "Trikvilar", "Triziston", "Milane" and "Non-Dark", used typically to address a variety of hormonal diseases and as protection from unwanted pregnancy during the period of treatment hormonal disturbances. These tablets can be used only on prescription.