The causes of the disease

A yeast infection is transmitted mainly by sexual activity, but sometimes it may not be related to the sexual life of the media. Candidiasis is more likely to occur if the human body occur favorable conditions for reproduction of the fungus:

- lowered immunity;
- prolonged use of some medicines;
- change of climate;
- psychological stress of a prolonged nature;
- serious chronic disease.
To avoid contamination, it is necessary to observe hygiene, strengthen the intestinal flora and to avoid long-term stress.

Symptoms of male thrush

Candidiasis in men is seen burning in the glans penis and foreskin. Redness. Also can form a white coating, which consistency can be compared to cottage cheese. These allocations occur during a yeast infection and women. On the background of edema on the penis is formed of a white film that covers the surface erosion of the skin.

With chronic disease on the penis can cause abrasion and scuff, and during sexual intercourse the man may experience pain and discomfort. Often there are unpleasant sensations when urinating. The fungus becomes the cause of the unpleasant, sour odor from sexual organ. During a long absence of treatment, the disease causes urethritis, in which appear thick mucous discharge from the urethra.
If you notice such symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor for a speedy recovery.

Diagnosis and treatment

Often for the diagnosis of diseases lack visual inspection of the doctor. To confirm the diagnosis of sowing is taken to identify the causative agent Candida using the method of direct immunofluorescence or DNA-diagnosis through a swab of the patient. Sometimes assigned additional studies of the organism to various infections and comorbidities.
For treatment of the disease a special diet is prescribed, which is chosen individually for each patient.

In the treatment are the same as those antifungal drugs, and women. In light of the disease, and apply special creams, suspensions and anti-fungal ointment. In chronic or acute form treatment involves antibiotic therapy. According to the results of diagnosis for other diseases separately prescribed drugs to enhance immunity. Thus eliminates the causes that cause the fungus to multiply.