Choosing the same, only the name, write down all the ideas that come to mind. Study magazines, browse through directories, where there are the enterprises in your town. Talk to friends – sometimes fresh ideas to people very far from business. All versions of the fix in Notepad.
A good title should accurately reflect the concept of your Studio. For example, options that played up the word "krieyt", "Creator" and the like implying that your salon spetsializiruyutsya on the fantasy manicure. The words "eco" or "nature" make it clear that you are a supporter of natural nails and drugs for their treatment.
Many people choose for their interior abstract beautiful name. However, stand in the place of a potential client – how to understand what happens behind the door marked Infinity or "Bella Donna"? It's a clothing store, perfume boutique or a tanning Studio? Perhaps the simple and succinct name like "French-style" passers-by will be clearer?
In the field of beauty naming is quite conservative. So feel free to come up with something unusual. For example, "Nail Studio "Wonderland" or "BelleColor Manicure". Combine Latin and Russian words, experiment with fonts clients such wordplay like, and the sign is the combined name will look advantageous.
Avoid diminutive words – it cheapens the name of your salon. Not too looks solid and proper name – the name looks old-fashioned. However, if you really want to immortalize someone's name, it can be beat. For example, to call the salon "Anna&Anna" or "Machinery house". The more original the name, the more likely that it is to be remembered.
The selected name should sound like. Administrator your Studio dozens of times a day will have to utter the phrase "Studio NNN, good day." Try several times to pronounce the name. Write the phrase on the recorder, listen to it. Harmoniously if she sounds?
Be prepared to support the name of the Studio design. For instance, naming your salon "Electric cherry", the lobby adorn these decorative trees. Salon "Kaleidoscope" will require maximum colours". And the Studio "Wonderland" will have to make mirrors.
Keep in mind – if you save on creative Agency to choose for your café a name, invite the designer for the interior design. Effectively beat name – and your salon do to be remembered by the customers. Unless, of course, the service and the range of services will also be on top.