The project may be done individually or pair or group of students. To create it is given a specific time for which it is necessary to solve a specific problem, beyond the scope of the discipline. The result of search activities and the data analysis can be a paper, presentation, cartoon, exhibition, illustrated book, maps and so on.
Any school project, regardless of the topic and forms can be created in 4 phases: preparatory, tentative, institutional and productive.
The preparatory phase

First choose a research topic and narrow it. It is important to choose the topics that intrigue and cause involuntary interest of the student. The narrower research topic – the better. So, the theme is "Folk art" is too broad – the student can not grasp the immensity, even with parents. Let this be a more specific topic, for example, "traditional crafts in Arkhangelsk".
The estimated phase

Define goals and objectives of the study. The student should clearly know that he designs and why. In the same subject "crafts in Arkhangelsk" aim can be: to show that at present, the craft is not forgotten. Accordingly, objectives of the study are:
- to learn about folk crafts in Arkhangelsk;
- identify the characteristics of the Arkhangelsk crafts.
The organizational phase

The largest amount of work to be done at this stage. You need to start to develop a work plan, collect all the necessary information from various sources: movies on the topic, books, observations, Internet resources, interviews and so on. In the process, the student examines briefly the history of the issue, to find interesting little known facts, which the student later will be able to share with others. It really stirs his interest in the work on the project.
The work

This is the productive phase. The student, together with his comrades and with the help of parents prepares the work, prepares the protection and possible questions. The design should be as evident – with illustrations, presentations, and so on. Of course, parental help is important, but the student must do all the work to successfully represent your project.