You will need
  • - Adobe Photoshop.
Run the program and open both images that you want to paste, and then you want to insert. To do this, press hot key Ctrl+O, select the file (or files, if they are in one folder) and click Open.
Select the imagethat you intend to insert. If you want to insert it completely, take the Move tool (Move, hot key V) and simply drag and drop to another image. Using the same tool you can move the drag image is already inside the "destination". However, it is possible to face one difficulty is the size of the pasted image may not match your idea.
If the image is too big and obscures the whole "final destination", then before you win, decrease it. To do this, click the menu item "Image" (Image) -> "image Size" (Image size) or use the hotkey Ctrl+Alt+I in the window that appears, find the section "Dimension" (Pixel dimensions, it is at the top), change the parameters "Width" and "Height"(Height), and then click OK. By the way, to return a few steps back, use the menu "History" (to open it, click menu "Window" (Window) - > History (History)).
If the image is too small, you can zoom directly in the "destination". In the layers list select a layer from the dragged imagem and hit Ctrl+T. Around the layer appears square markers, hold Shift (to maintain aspect ratio) and drag one of the corner handles outward. By the way, using this method it is possible to reduce the image, to do this, drag a corner handle into the image.
To save the result, press Ctrl+Shift+S in the window that appears, specify the path, enter the name, determine the type of the future file and click "Save".