You will need
  • Clay sculpture, a piece of plywood sheet, aluminum wire, pliers, wooden stacks.
Consider the idea for her sculpture. In order to clearly visualize it can help light sketch on a sheet of paper in pencil.

Decide on the size of the sculpture, and material. For beginners will approach the clay. Unlike clay, the clay does not dry out and harden and can be done for a long time. Suitable height around 30 centimeters.

To cut a sheet of plywood 15 x 15 inches. It will be a pedestal for your sculpture.

Make a frame of thick aluminum wire. Fold the bottom ends of the frame and firmly fasten them to the plywood. The frame should repeat the movement of your future sculpture to fit her proportions.
Will oblepicha frame plasticine. Sketch the main mass of your sculpture. Well obleplivaet frame, clay needs him hard to grab.

Process the form with pomocu sculpted wood stacks. Typing the main mass and after correcting the proportions, specify the details.

Find characteristic features.

Go around the sculpture around, look at the top and bottom. The sculpture should look great from all angles. In contrast to the figure sculpture is three-dimensional. Don't forget that. Always check the detail that you sculpt from all sides.

Look carefully at the sculpture. Parts must be balanced. It is the de needs to be filled up not forward not backward nor sideways. Follow pivot points of the sculpture.

Find the axis of symmetry. Check out, symmetric if your sculpture. Trust your eye, but don't forget to check measurements on the compass, or the stack.
Find the compositional center of the sculpture. If you make the figure of a man, most likely it will face.

The compositional center of the work more thoroughly. Stick to the details. Also, but less detail to put the details throughout the sculpture. It can be the folds of clothing, buttons, belt, or coat of the animal.

View not smashed parts the basic shape of the figure. If somewhere you will find that too carried away with the details, overdone, generalize them slightly with your finger or the stack.

If the sculpture was a success, and she you really like, you can think about to perpetuate. Clay is not a reliable material. The easiest way to cast it in plaster or bronze. Well, the most beautiful and difficult to carve in marble.

Good luck and success in your work!