We should say a few words about the differences between natural pearls and fake. Genuine pearls are formed by grains of sand getting inside the shell of a mollusk, which responds to contact of a foreign body and begins to envelop him as his mother. This process has learned to imitate, placing inside of shell bead, which is recovered after some time, already slightly covered with nacre. Sometimes a bead is just coated in pearlescent paint and sold as natural pearls.
If the seller claims that the pearls are natural, be sure to demand a certificate of identification, it must be made known and reputable laboratory with the appropriate seals. So, to confirm its authenticity pearl is subjected to x-ray examination. There are more simple methods that will help you to distinguish a fake from the pearls. Real pearl is quite heavy, what can be said about the artificial material. If the pearls gently RUB each other next to the ear, it needs to be a sound of rubbing sand.
Can you check the seller of pearls on fear. Take the pearls and offer to set fire to it, a natural product should not melt. Most likely, the seller is afraid of damaged goods and tell you the whole truth about its authenticity.
If you drop a real pearl on a solid and smooth surface from a height of half a meter, it works like a ball for ping-pong, i.e. bounce off the surface and begin to jump. Fake pearls has a low density and hardly able to jump.
There is another way through which you can test the authenticity of pearls. Gently slide the pearl on your teeth. Its surface should be slightly rough. The surface of the forgery is absolutely smooth as glass. In any case, do not try to crack this thing, take care of your teeth.
A real pearl is always cold, even in the hottest weather. Wearing beads, you will always feel pleasant coolness from the natural pearl. The same cannot be said about the fake.