You will need
- computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - passport;
- - the number of the form of testing.
- - a cell phone.
When passing centralized testing note the number given to you Blanca for answers. You will need it if you want to know the results of the exam via the Internet.
Go to the website of Republican Institute of control of knowledge or the educational institution at which you took the exam. On the home page click on the menu item "Test" to the item "Results". Choose which test you are interested in - rehearsal (RT) or Central (DH).
Enter in the appropriate field the serial number of your passport without spaces, the number of the form test and select the item that you donated. Click on the "Find" button, and then you will get access to their results.
If you do not have Internet access or you do not know the number of your form with the answers, will get the results of the test via SMS. You must be a subscriber to one of the Belarusian mobile operators. For information send to 5050 SMS as follows: the phase number of the test space, a series of document space the document number gap.Request example: student with the passport series and number 1234 567890 participating in the centralized testing, should send a request like the following - 4 1234 567890.It should be noted that for the final centralized test room phase - 4, rehearsal test 1, 2 or 3 depending on the stage.